Use legend options to customize its color, font, and more. Keys might vary with the layouts of different keys. Below is the list of 165 HOI4 console commands for you. Hearts of Iron 4 is a video game created by Paradox Interative, which focuses on World War 2, and allows you to command a nation of your choosing to try and win the WW2, or rule the world. The storyline takes the war running among the countries and in old eras like 1936, 1948, and so.
For other paradox games, I've always used RGB numbers and it's worked fine, but it seems wonky for HOI4. Up-to-date help for the Hearts of Iron IV (PC) command tag_color. In the condition of a disabled game console, you just have to press the Shift+2, §, ~, `,^ or ALT+2+1 or Shift+3 to enabled the console.